Originally scheduled for 20th October, the ’10 Years On Badger Cull Protest’ had to be cancelled due to Storm Babet. But we are ready to go again on Friday 24th November.
The early years of the badger cull from 2013 saw over 50 protest demonstrations and walks in towns and cities around England. Badger lovers, nature conservationists and members of the public were incredulous and angry that the government was sanctioning a slaughter of tens of thousands of healthy iconic badgers on the basis of a weak scientific theory that badgers were significantly involved in the spread of bovine tuberculosis in cattle. Many famous names from the world of animal protection and wildlife TV programming turned up to add their voices to the public opinion strongly against the government policy promoted by then Environment Secretary Owen Paterson.
But those in charge of policy ignored the protestors. They were listening to more powerful lobbying voices in the farming industry and to land-owning politicians who spoke out strongly in favour of badger culling and through neglect, the continuing trade in infected livestock.
Ten years on, and despite suggestions that badger culling would be phased out, it has never been more intense. A new consultation on further, more intensive (100%) badger culling is promised before the end of the year. With an election coming up next year it is time to protest again. We need to make sure those who make horrific decisions about our treasured wildlife know that despite all the other critical issues affecting the UK today, we are still shocked and angry about this brutal, unscientific and immoral policy, wasting public funds for vested interest gain – and it will affect how we vote at the next election.
Dominic Dyer will with us on the day, with further speakers to be announced.